Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.14 =
praśāntātmā vigata-bhīr
brahmacāri-vrate sthitaḥ |
manaḥ saṁyamya mac-citto
yukta āsīta mat-paraḥ ||14||↪
In a tranquil self, having overcome fear,
established in the spirit-farer's ordinance,
with a subdued mind reflecting on me,
the connected one abides in my ultimation.
Notes: While the term brahmacāri-vrata is conventionally translated as "vow of celibacy", the word brahmacāri literally means "spirit-farer", and refers categorically to an attitude and conduct characterized by withdrawal from the pursuits of fragmented desire. Fear and insecurity are the products of misperception, misidentification, and illusory fixation — or absorption in the oscillation of dualities. In this and the subsequent verses, the speaker refers to "me", and it is well for us to understand this pronoun in reference to the ultimate reality that incarnates through the consummate being of absolute union. The realm and state of the speaker is our existential objective — there is no separate "another" to be adored and venerated from a distance.