Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.7 =
jitātmanaḥ praśāntasya
paramātmā samāhitaḥ |
tathā mānāpamānayoḥ ||7||↪
For the conqueror of self in highest peace,
the supreme self has been consummated;
In cold and heat, in happiness and distress,
and thus also in honor and disgrace.
Notes: Here paramātmā or the "supreme self" refers to the unconditioned consciousness present in all sentient beings, the underlying witness of all cognitive processes, or the collective and omnipresent manifestation of super-awareness. When the finite self has been conquered and the causal shell enveloping our consciousness has been shattered, the individual yogi abides peacefully as the localized manifestation of this universal consciousness. Such perennial tranquility, resulting from ascension into self-union, with the transcendence of finity and consummation of the supreme self, is unphased by the inevitable oscillations of duality in the physical, emotional, and self-conceiving spheres of our living experience.