Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.46 =
tapasvibhyo’dhiko yogī
jñānibhyo’pi mato’dhikaḥ |
karmibhyaś cādhiko yogī
tasmād yogī bhavārjuna ||46||↪
The yogi is higher than the ascetic,
deemed higher than even the philosopher;
the yogi is higher than the pious worker —
therefore, become a yogi, Arjuna!
Notes: Here the yogi is compared and contrasted with three classes of spiritualists. The self-satisfied yogi, by virtue of withdrawal from the dominion of the conditioned mind and its urges, is superior to the ascetic seeking to conquer desire by depriving the body of its enjoyments. The self-realized yogi, with insight born from the establishment of awareness in perennial actuality, unveiled via purity and unification, is superior to the philosopher seeking knowledge and analyzing the nature of existence with the power of his finite intellect. The all-empathic yogi, with his conduct and deeds naturally synchronized with the commonality of sentient beings and their deep and authentic needs, is superior to the doer of pious and altruistic deeds. Become a yogi, then!