Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.4 =
yadā hi nendriyārtheṣu
na karmasv anuṣajjate |
yogārūḍhas tadocyate ||4||↪
Truly, when not for the sake of the senses,
nor for the outcomes of works does one strive;
Fully resigned from the pursuit of cravings,
that one is called "elevated in yoga".
Notes: We are bound to suffering with the ropes of our finite fixations, the various conditioned imperatives that govern our operation in this world. We strive to acquire material assets and to experience sensual pleasures. We long for particular emotions and mental states. We seek to validate and enhance a specific self-conception in our social and internal spheres. We pursue preferred conditions and states of existence — or even the cessation of existence. Finite fixations, whether positive or negative, rooted in the fractured self, are merely two poles of the same magnet of conditioning. All of these compulsive drives enforce our state of separation and stand in the way of our purification, reintegration, and ascension to unity.