Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation

= 06.44 =

pūrvābhyāsena tenaiva hriyate hy avaśo’pi saḥ | jijñāsur api yogasya śabda-brahmātivartate ||44||
By such prior cultivation, he is fascinated, and even unprompted is an inquirer into this union, transcending the sacred words.
Notes: With the continuum of mind-stream carrying the impressions of his prior cultivation, the reborn yogi is spontaneously drawn back to the path of unification, naturally propelled toward its continuation and consummation. In inquiring and reflecting, as the latent impressions of his past accomplishments are stimulated, the inclinations and insights of his prior existence are rekindled and reinstated. He reascends into a realm of insight behind and beyond the words and formulae of the sacred teachings and, transcending their forms, symbols, rituals, and philosophies, returns to a living experience of unification.