Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.19 =
yathā dīpo nivāta-stho
neṅgate sopamā smṛtā |
yogino yata-cittasya
yuñjato yogam ātmanaḥ ||19||↪
As a lamp in a place without wind
wavers not — a metaphor so recalled;
The yogi with regulated mental flux
is connected with the self in union.
Notes: The unwavering lamp is a classic metaphor. While the lamp stands for unperturbed reflective awareness (citta), what exactly is the wind of our metaphor? It isn't the flux of manifest existence — the world of plurality is inherently in perpetual motion. The wind is the blowing of our awareness into the flux of dualities. Our fractured attention, followed by desire and attachment, are the pushings of the wind — the wavering of awareness, the loss of foundation, and the fall into identification with tumultuous substance. We ourselves are the makers and blowers of this wind — the dynamic world is innocent. When this fluctuation is stilled, with presence and awareness established in the self, the lamp of consciousness radiates undisturbed in union. While still living, the metaphor of "blowing out the lamp" is premature. Final liberation is preceded by embodied liberation, transcendence with presence — the "unwavering lamp" recollected here.