Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation

= 06.33 =

arjuna uvāca yo’yaṁ yogas tvayā proktaḥ sāmyena madhusūdana | etasyāhaṁ na paśyāmi cañcalatvāt sthitiṁ sthirām ||33||
Arjuna said: This union that you've described via equanimity, Madhusudana; In this, I do not foresee a steady state — due to fickleness.
Notes: Following an exposition of a contemplative path of equanimity and unification, Arjuna — our student in the series of dialectic teachings with Krishna — brings forward his doubts. Is such a pursuit of union actually practicable and sustainable? Will not the mind, fickle and restless like the untamed wind, by its nature ever-unsettled, time and again divert us from such a contemplative abiding? These doubts stem from an evaluation locked into the present state of the mind. The mind is, however, hardly grasped and stabilized from within the problem sphere. Resolution becomes a possibility when the subject is decoupled from mental identification, as awareness shifts to a plane that transcends the workings of the conditioned mind.