Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation

= 06.40 =

śrī-bhagavān uvāca pārtha naiveha nāmutra vināśas tasya vidyate | na hi kalyāṇa-kṛt kaścid durgatiṁ tāta gacchati ||40||
The illustrious one said: Son of Pritha, neither here nor beyond is demise to be found for him; A doer of beneficial deeds will never reach a foul destination, my friend.
Notes: The beneficial deeds of the yogi result in a matrix of positive feedback loops, colloquially "good karma", or favorable cascades of causes and effects. There are direct effects, where a good impression results in a good response from the recipient. There are indirect effects, where a good impression is passed forward by the recipient, eventually circling back to the subject or his environment. There are also reflected effects, where the halo of the yogi's beneficial works, the echo of his internal record of deeds, emanates into the environment and brings about a favorable transformation. How then, having once committed to a sincere life of purification and unification, would one possibly reach a dark and miserable destination?