Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.24 =
saṁkalpa-prabhavān kāmāṁs
tyaktvā sarvān aśeṣataḥ |
viniyamya samantataḥ ||24||↪
Desires generated from confabulation —
cast them all away without remainder;
With mind and the spectrum of senses
under control, in tranquility reconciled.
Notes: The term saṁkalpa, commonly rendered as "desire" or "persuasion", refers specifically to the ideation and confabulation of the mind that shapes our particular volitions and mental fixations. Renouncing specific desires, without targeting the underlying formative processes, will not terminate the regenerative cycle of disturbances. When suppressed by means of denial or concentration, the underlying seeds of ideation and desire will re-emerge at the first opportunity. Tranquility or samantata is literally the "equalization of ends", a state where each loose end of awareness is woven back into the contiguous fabric of existence — the purification, release, and return of all potentials into their selfless and pristine nature.