Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.16 =
nātyaśnatas tu yogo’sti
na caikāntam anaśnataḥ |
na cātisvapna-śīlasya
jāgrato naiva cārjuna ||16||↪
No union is there for the over-eater,
nor for one fixated with starvation;
Nor for one habituated to excess sleep,
nor indeed for one who's always awake, Arjuna.
Notes: Union follows balance. Balance is established by cultivating accurate perception and realistic understanding of the golden median of our actual needs — which may vary from time to time. This insight reveals the extremes of excess and deficit, born of desire and aversion, the underminers of balance in our lives. Over-eating leads to sluggishness and complacency — and indulgence itself fuels further desire. Starvation leads to apathy and weakness. Then, excessive sleep results in dullness and lethargy. Sleep deprivation results in fragility and cognitive impairment. In essence, lack of balance brings about negative physical, emotional, and cognitive impacts. The path of the aspiring yogi is fraught with obstacles — and imbalance stemming from lack of self-discipline augments the heap of challenges. Primed with balance, we persevere and prevail in our quest for union.