Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.31 =
sarva-bhūta-sthitaṁ yo māṁ
bhajaty ekatvam āsthitaḥ |
sarvathā vartamāno’pi
sa yogī mayi vartate ||31||↪
With myself established in all beings,
cultivating while abiding in oneness;
Everywhere and in all circumstances,
the yogi dwells and moves about in me.
Notes: Having established the various premises of equal vision and integrated abiding, we reach a natural conclusion — the state of yoga or union is not a static accomplishment limited to a realm of contemplative stillness, but rather a dynamic experience of existence that is perpetual and omnipresent, independent of the particular spheres and modalities of our engagement. In the world of plural phenomena, the yogi perceives a singular conscious organism, and interacts with none other than this absolute system. The illusion of separation and otherness has been replaced by an all-encompassing experience of abiding and operating in a realm of living union and oneness.