Bhagavad-Gita: 06 - The Yoga of Contemplation
= 06.17 =
yukta-ceṣṭasya karmasu |
yogo bhavati duḥkhahā ||17||↪
With regulated eating and recreation,
regulated in efforts and obligations,
regulated in sleep and wakefulness,
union is manifest and misery is slain.
Notes: The word yukta, here "regulated", also "yoked", "connected", "tethered", shares the root with the word yoga. Proper self-regulation follows a standard of balance conducive for the practice of yoga or unification — discipline that supports our connection, tethers us to the path of union. Regulated eating is the intake of sufficient nutrition in adequate variety to sustain and nourish the body and the mind. Regulated recreation refreshes the body and the mind without overstimulation or derailment of priorities. Regulated efforts and obligations are proportionate to one's capacity and resources. Regulated sleep is the amount necessary for physical and mental rejuvenation. Misery is eliminated with the cultivation of balanced self-regulation in all aspects of our lives — and this living balance is a precondition and a foundation for the ultimate attainment of union.